A Brief Guide about ACL Ligament Surgery in Rajasthan


Do you live somewhere in Rajasthan? Are you suffering from an Anterior Cruciate ligament injury? Then you must have looked for ACL Ligament Surgery in Rajasthan. Here is your answer. We are here to give you all the information you need. What is an A.C.L. injury? What are the symptoms, the treatment, and the cost of ACL Ligament Surgery in Rajasthan? So let’s get started.

ACL surgery is a procedure that doctors use to treat or replace a damaged ligament in your knee. The Anterior Cruciate ligament is a band of ligaments that crosses the bones of the knees to keep them safe and stable. It works as a shock absorber on your knees. However, it is damaged when it gets stretched or torn. It is common for people who run a lot or do a lot of exercises. Also, an accident or twist in the ankle or knee can harm you and make you a patient of Anterior Cruciate ligament.

ACL Ligament Surgery in Rajasthan

Causes of ACL Injuries

  • Football or rugby players often suffer from Anterior Cruciate ligament injury. They get hurt directly in the knee area by an opponent player. Or even slowing down suddenly or changing direction is very common for them. So both are on high alert for A.C.L.’s injury.
  • Suppose you are jumping from a high place, and you land in an awkward position; your foot will take the pressure and dislocate. Or you can also twist your ankle while landing. It can make you a patient of the A.C.L.
  • Stopping without an indication can cause Anterior Cruciate ligament injuries.
    The doctors of ACL Ligament Surgery in Rajasthan organize a yearly workshop to learn more about it.

Symptoms of ACL

ACL symptoms include severe knee pain, swelling, Restriction of movements, etc. You can’t also run fast and move rapidly due to the problem.

Treatment of ACL Injuries

There are a lot of options for ACL Ligament Surgery in Rajasthan. But for first aid, you can use those techniques.

Doctors suggest the R.I.C.E. model for A.L injuries at home. Those are…

  • Rest: Taking rest is important for any injury. Try to get at least ten hours of sleep in a day. Also, restrict your movement so your knees can get some rest.
  • Ice: Try to use ice for at least twenty minutes every two hours. It will give soothing to your ligaments.
  • Compression: Use a bandage to cover your knee area. That will protect your ligaments from other outside damages.
  • Elevation: Always Lie down on your knee while having a pillow under you. Don’t put pressure on your knees.

ACL Ligament Surgery

Doctors usually treat mild or moderate ACL just with some medicines or physiotherapy. But the severe one can cause enormous harm to your knees. That’s why Surgery is important. You can find three types of ACL Ligament Surgery in Rajasthan. Those are…

  • Autograph: In this therapy, Doctors use a tendon from somewhere else. That can be your knee, hamstring, or thigh.
  • Allograft: In this process, the surgeons use tissues from someone else’s body
  • Synthetic graft: In this process, some artificial Fibers replace the tendon of your knees. It was silver fibers or silk at first. Now surgeons use carbon fiber Teflon as a replacement.

Why Choose ACL Ligament Surgery

  • Less painful: The Anterior cruciate ligament surgeries are less painful. It doesn’t cause much pain during and after the surgery. When the surgery takes place, the incision which is made is smaller in size, anaesthesia is also given during the surgery as well as after the surgery doctor prescribes you pain killer and rest.
  • Less time taking: It takes less time in doing the Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgeries and in its recovery as well.
  • Quick recovery: The recovery after Anterior cruciate ligament surgeries are quick, you can recover in approximately 6 to 8 weeks. Because of quick recovery rates, people prefer going through ACL surgeries
  • Cost-effective: ACL surgeries tend to be cost-effective as compared to other treatments and therapies.

The bottom Line

You can find all the options in ACL Ligament Surgery in Rajasthan. The whole process costs nearly 55000-60000 in Rajasthan. It can differ in various cities of Rajasthan. If you are suffering from ACL injuries, get treatment by a specialist as early as possible.


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