Bladder Infection? Here are 7 Things You Must Do to Cure It


Suffering from a bladder infection can be extremely uncomfortable, triggering a host of symptoms such as the sudden urge to urinate and painful abdominal cramping. These types of infections typically develop when bacteria find their way to the urethra and migrate to the bladder. Although you want to seek treatment from a healthcare professional, there are also things that you can do at home to speed up the recovery process while you also work to alleviate symptoms. Here are seven of the best things to do if you have a bladder infection.

Seek Help From a Professional

The first thing that you should do if you suspect that you have a bladder infection is to perform a search for a “gynecologist near me” that can help treat the infection. If you do indeed have an infection, you will need a prescribed antibiotic to clear it up. It is important to note that many sexually transmitted infections can lead to symptoms that are similar to a bladder infection. This makes it important to not try to self-diagnose the problem. A trained professional will be able to properly diagnose the problem and prescribe the right course of treatment.

Bladder Infection

Start Chugging Water

Water is an invaluable tool when it comes to getting rid of the bacteria hanging out in your bladder. Drinking plentiful amounts of water will help to kill the infection as it flushes out harmful bacteria. In addition, urinating may be less painful because water dilutes the urine. Lighter-colored urine passes through much easier so that it is not as irritating.

Go to the Bathroom More Frequently

Not going to the bathroom often enough gives the bacteria more time to multiply in the bladder. This is why it is important to go to the bathroom frequently so that you can encourage the faster elimination of bacteria. It is also a good idea to refrain from sex when battling a bladder infection. Sex has a tendency to push the bacteria farther up into the bladder.

Lean on Pain Relievers and Heating Pads

While you are waiting for the antibiotics to start to work, you may need to find ways to manage the discomfort and pain of a bladder infection. These infections may trigger discomfort in the pelvic region. Pain relievers and heating pads are both good tools to manage this pain. When using the heating pad, be sure to also use the tool along the lower back in addition to the abdominal region for maximum relief.

Drink Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice has been shown in some studies to be an effective natural treatment for bladder infections. Some people have even found success taking cranberry tablets. However, it is important to note that you need to use this tool in conjunction with antibiotic treatment. It is unlikely that chugging cranberry juice will get rid of the infection on its own. It never hurts to make cranberry juice a part of your regular diet as a means to prevent these infections.

Take a Probiotic Supplement

Emerging research is pointing to the power of probiotic supplements in treating and preventing bladder infections. Science has shown that these supplements could boost the concentration of good bacteria in the urinary tract and genital area. Taking a probiotic supplement is particularly useful if you suffer from recurrent bladder infections. The probiotic lactobacilli have been shown to be especially beneficial. As a bonus, taking a probiotic while on the prescribed antibiotics course can protect against the most common side effects associated with this treatment.

Practice Healthy Hygiene

Practicing healthy hygiene habits can also go a long way in treating and preventing bladder infections. In addition to not holding your urine, you should also get in the habit of wiping front to back. Going in the other direction can encourage the spread of bacteria, leading to painful bladder infections. This is most important for females. Lastly, you should always go to the bathroom after having sex to rid the body of bacteria.

You do not want to leave a bladder infection untreated thinking that it will get better on its own. A severe bladder infection can spread to the kidneys or bloodstream, becoming potentially life-threatening.


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