Blood Test Results: What Should You Know?


If you’ve recently had your blood tested, you may have noticed that the results came with all sorts of letters and numbers. Faced with such complex-looking data, many people are unsure about what to do next and may even wonder whether there’s any point in even looking at the results. You can do lab tests from any lab like Chughtai Lab Lahore. Here are all the things you s know about blood test results so that you can be confident in your choices outgoing forward.

Chughtai Lab Lahore

Blood test results explained

In theory, a blood test should be able to give you a full picture of what’s going on inside your body. If you’re feeling ill or experiencing symptoms that suggest an illness, your doctor may order a blood test. The results will indicate if there are any abnormalities and, in some cases, provide information about what those abnormalities might mean. However, interpreting blood test results can be confusing for patients – here are some basic questions answered to help you interpret yours.

Blood panel tests – what they tell you

Doctors order blood tests for a variety of reasons. The process is relatively painless, but getting your blood drawn and understanding what it all means can be confusing and overwhelming. There are many labs that can be used for a blood tests. For example, Chughtai Lab Lahore can be used for lab tests. Here’s what you need to know about your blood test results to make sense of them.

Blood glucose testing – the basics

The two main types of glucose tests you can get are fasting glucose and haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). Fasting glucose testing is usually done when you go to see your doctor and involves pricking your finger to test blood sugar. Hemoglobin A1c is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen through your body; it works very similarly to HgBA, except it measures average blood sugar levels in three months’ time.

Blood glucose testing tips

If you’re living with diabetes, your doctor will test your blood regularly to help monitor your disease. And while it can be helpful to look at all of your test results together, you should also try to pay attention to individual test values as well. Most people with diabetes take blood glucose tests on a regular basis from any lab like Chughtai Lab Lahore; if yours is more often than once per day, make sure you know how each value relates back to what you’ve eaten over the last 24 hours and how that affects your treatment plan.

Interpretation of blood sugar levels

It’s very important to know your blood sugar level (both fasting and non-fasting) in order to determine whether or not you are at risk for complications like diabetic neuropathy, diabetic retinopathy, and kidney disease. Ask your doctor about having these checked annually from any lab like Chughtai Lab Lahore. Also, ask about a C-peptide test. This tests how much insulin your body is producing and can help assess your insulin production from diabetes medications or tell you if you may be developing Type 2 diabetes by showing low levels of insulin production.

Why blood sugar gets too high

Elevated blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, is a common complication of type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. If you have either condition, your blood sugar levels are usually higher than normal due to insulin resistance or an inability to produce enough insulin. This can be detrimental to your health in many ways, including damaging your eyes, kidneys and nerves. Managing elevated blood sugar is extremely important for living with diabetes long-term. People with elevated blood sugar levels should speak with their doctor about medications that help control it.

When should I get tested?

Blood tests are typically used to test for infection, disease, drug use or even check hormone levels for this purpose you can use Chughtai Lab Lahore. It is important to understand your blood test results and follow up with your doctor if anything is abnormal. Although it’s best to consult with a medical professional about which blood tests you should have done based on your age, health and lifestyle, here are some of the most common tests that doctors recommend for adults over 18 years old.

How often should I be tested?

The frequency of your blood tests will be determined by a number of factors, including your age, overall health and risk factors for specific diseases. Your doctor will determine what’s best for you. Generally speaking, if you’re young and healthy and haven’t had a major illness or trauma in the last few years, you may only need to have blood work done once every one to three years.


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