Four Tips For the Holidays to Keep Your Stress Under Control


The holidays are a time to celebrate, but they can also be stressful. With so many people around you, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of it all. But if you want to avoid the harmful effects of stress on your health over the holiday season, try one (or more) of these tips:

Four Tips For the Holidays to Keep Your Stress Under Control

Physical touch is a natural stress buster.

Physical touch is a natural stress buster. It can help you relax, sleep better and feel more positive. It’s also an excellent way to boost your confidence during the holidays!

Physical touch can be an excellent stress reliever because it releases oxytocin into our bloodstreams when we are touched. This hormone helps us feel calm, relaxed and less anxious—an effect that has been shown in studies to last up to 90 minutes after physical contact with another person (or pet). In fact, human beings are so dependent on oxytocin that it’s often referred to as “the love hormone.” The feeling of comfort generated by physical touch may even cause some people who don’t usually enjoy being touched by others suddenly find themselves wanting more cuddles from loved ones!

Meditate before bedtime.

Meditation is a great way to relax and sleep better. It can also help you think more clearly, be more mindful of the present moment, and even experience a sense of peace within yourself.

It’s easy to get into a routine when it comes to meditation—you might start with 10 minutes every morning or evening before bedtime—but doing so doesn’t have to mean sitting still for hours on end! Instead, try these three simple tips:

  • Sit up straight in your chair (or lie down in bed). If possible try not slouching at all while meditating; this will help keep your spine upright and prevent any back pain from arising as well as making sure that there aren’t any muscle imbalances which could cause discomfort later on down the road…

Give yourself a little room to breathe.

The holidays are a time to celebrate, but they can also be stressful. Stress is the number one cause of mental health problems and it affects us all in different ways. If you’re feeling stressed at this time of year, there are some simple things you can do that will help reduce your stress levels:

  • Take a deep breath
  • Relax your muscles and try not to tense up
  • Try relaxing your mind by doing something creative or meditating on an empty stomach (no coffee)
  • Try relaxing the body by getting up from whatever position you’re currently in, whether sitting or standing, and taking long strides while walking around outside if possible

A massage will reduce your stress, so give it a try this holiday season!

Massage is a wonderful way to relax and de-stress. It is a great way to relieve stress, tension, and pain. Massage can also help improve your overall health by improving circulation and muscle relaxation.

If you’re interested in giving massages this holiday season, here are some tips:

  • Find a reputable massage therapist that has been trained in the techniques needed for massage therapy (AASCP). If possible, ask them how long they have been practising their craft before deciding whether or not you want them as part of your treatment plan for this holiday season!
  • Make sure that your therapist understands what type of massage will be best suited to each individual patient based on their needs/troubleshooting issues with specific muscles or joints so they know what areas need extra attention during treatment sessions; otherwise, there won’t be enough time left over after discussing other things like diet changes etcetera which might make sense but aren’t necessarily necessary right now (if ever).

Give yourself a massage.

Massage is a great way to relax and relieve stress. You can do it at home, anywhere, by yourself or by someone else. It’s simple really: just find a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed for 30 minutes and lie down on your belly with your arms outstretched above your head (or in some cases folded over). Then just let go of any thoughts that are worrying you and focus solely on the moment being here now!

If this sounds like something worth trying, here are some tips for getting started:

Try not worrying about anything else other than what’s happening right now at this moment – no matter how hard it may seem sometimes! If there’s an issue going on elsewhere then try not taking it personally until after everything else has been dealt with first; otherwise, we’ll end up feeling guilty about something else instead of focusing on what matters most here now.”

Where to Get Massage in Bolton UK?

There are many places to get massages in Bolton UK. Some of the best are:

  • Bolton Massage Center – This is a great place to go if you want to get a therapeutic massage. They offer both Swedish and Thai massages and they have some of the best therapists in town!
  • Bodyworks – They also have some really good therapists who will help reduce your stress levels! If you’re looking for something more relaxing than Swedish or Thai, then this might be your go-to spot.’


Massage is a great stress reliever, and it can be used in many ways to reduce stress. One of the best ways to do this is by giving yourself a massage before bedtime. This will help you relax, which means that you’ll sleep better and feel less stressed throughout the day!


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