Guide to Draw Flowers with Pen


In this manual, I draw how to draw each flower, from easy to complex, with a pen. The well-executed flower pencil drawing is all about the accuracy of the structure (form) with special attention to preparation and overlap.

How to create slick lines

They draw every brand with confidence for a well-drawing pin, which means a smooth line. It’s easier to say that! With time and practice flow, the lines flow. Start until then with a pencil. The benefit of a pencil is that you can erase pencil lines. Therefore, you can correct errors until you are satisfied with the result. So catch your reference picture and draw it with a pencil. Draw it gently, so it’s easy to delete later.

drawing flowers


The pencil drawing should not be perfect. Remember that nature is abstract. There are no two identical flowers. As soon as the pencil sketch is done, it is easy to get with a pen. Do it in a self-confident and smooth way, even if pens marks are not exactly on pencil brands. Drawing with a pen, it is essential to pay attention to overlap.

First, draw the leading pieces. In this case, first, draw the dust leaves and make only the petals. After the pen is dry (usually less than a minute, depending on the pen brand), it is prudent to delete the drawing brands in pencil gently.

How do you draw a complex flower?

Some drawing flowers or compositions are complex enough. You should pay attention to proportions, presence, and perspective. It is too much to treat when drawing. A solution to this issue is to build a guideline grid. Instead of a complex image, you have several smaller and simpler images instead of a complex image. To find the central point of an image, pull two diagonal lines from the image’s corners.

Then draw horizontal and vertical lines from the center. Make the same for drawing paper. Ensure that the ratio between the height and the width for the reference image and the drawing paper is the same. You can cut the reference image to obtain the same ratio. Now it’s easier to draw with a pencil.


If the image is always complex for you, you can still add raster lines for each rectangle. Do not forget to use the pencil gently. After drawing with a pen, it is easier to clear.

Good to know:

Suppose you do not understand the terms completely. For example, I recommend reading my guide to drawing the depth of depth for overlap, perspective, and preparation.

Which pen is used to draw flowers?

Although it is possible to draw or sketch with a regular pen, there are many advantages to using pencils for artists. These pens are finely, or technical pencils and their ink is usually black, although some brands offer additional colors. Pens for artists create uniform thickness lines, and they come from different sizes, so thick contour lines or thin lines can draw for more details.

The ink of these pins consists of pigments and, therefore, is very durable.
To learn more about the pen to be used, visit my opinion on recommended pen brands for drawing.

Line width and size

You can draw soft edges for distant objects if you draw with a pencil. Pens have a value of brightness and cannot produce a mild edge. Instead, you can utilize a pen with a shorter fist size to create thinner lines for objects’ backgrounds and larger fist-size thicker lines for foreground objects.

Use lines with different thicknesses to add depth:

Another way to add deep is with length. If you draw in the right perspective and an object is further away the smaller air looks. For this reason, larger flowers are in the foreground and smaller flowers in the background.


To add depth, pull the smaller background flower, use a pen with a smaller fist size for you and overlap the leader flower.

Hatchings and across

Hatching is a drawing approach that utilizes parallel lines. A pen generates lines with a brightness value (usually dark). To create the illusion of different brightness levels, areas that look clearer and darker, use different brood types. Use horrific thin lines for bright areas. With different degrees of the intersection, you can create the illusion of different brightness values:

Types of lines with pins

As mentioned above, a pin has a single brightness value, but when a pin holds at an acute angle, it may produce a less defined line, thus creating a lighter second brightness value. It does not work with all pen brands’ work or super-paper smooth. Because it is to work but draw SWIF off but soft beats.

Add insects

The drawing takes time. Try a new thing, such as adding insects or other objects. A practical way to handle this situation is to start by dragging the new object.

Just keep it Simple

Sometimes only a few lines are more than enough. It is possible to pull lines with a short line or a point, in the end, suggesting a line that gradually disappears. The central part of a flower can appear complicated. The way to draw it is to look at the basic forms and your direction. Basic forms after drawing, it is important to observe brightness values.

More lines to create the illusion of darker brightness values for areas that appear darker. The following example is a step-by-step drawing for a muscular system (grape hyacinth). It usually has closed flowers and flowers, then both practice: Now you can draw the entire system.

Ink color

The drawing of the pin is not limited to black ink. As noted above, some trademarks offer different colors. Nevertheless, the drawing process is similar.

Example of blue ink:

First, focus on the precise drawing. Pay attention to preparation and overlap. Then the brightness values get correct. Remember that you draw more lines to create the illusion of darker values. Finally, an artistic license is more than welcome.

Example of red ink:

Remember to try as precisely as possible to the brightness value. Make sure there is enough contrast between bright and dark areas. In this way, the drawing is off.


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