How to Determine if You Are Ready for a Facelift


Facelift surgeries have become increasingly less invasive throughout the years. Moreover, many surgeons have refined their techniques for less risk, shorter healing times, and far more natural-looking results. Often referred to as skin-tightening procedures, these treatments can increase volume at the mid-portion of the face, open up the eyes, and eliminate jowls. Each facelift can be customized to suit the needs of the individual for enhanced facial aesthetics and increased confidence. Following are several ways to determine whether you’re ready for a facelift.

You’re Tired of Repeat Treatments and Short-Term Results

Injectable cosmetics have taken the world by storm. Purified neurotoxins can be used to instantly release dynamic or movement-related creases at the corners of the eyes, around the mouth, and across the brow. Dermal fillers offer a quick, easy, and relatively long-lasting way to restore lost volume at the mid-face, plump ageing lips, and ultimately turn back the hands of time.

facelift NYC

Unfortunately, however, even high-quality injectable cosmetics aren’t made to last indefinitely. Many of these products are broken down and routed out of the body within just three to six months.

If you’re tired of repeating these procedures to maintain your refreshed look, a facelift could be the right treatment for you. You should search the web for terms such as “facelift NYC” as an example, to see what others are saying about their procedure experience and results.

You want to Get Rid of Deep, Dynamic Creases

Injectable neurotoxins are only effective for erasing minor, superficial wrinkles that are caused by expressive facial movements. These include crow’s feet, perioral wrinkles, and frown lines.

They work by temporarily relaxing select facial muscles so that the underlying collagen layer can lie flat. When skin wrinkling is caused by age-related volume loss and a general breakdown in the integrity of the skin, these products no longer have a noticeable effect.

While dermal fillers are frequently used for restoring lost volume at the mid-face, they tend to work best when volume loss is minimal. For advanced facial aging that has caused deep creases along the nasolabial folds, skin tightening is far preferable.

Adding too much of any dermal filler to an area with substantial volume loss can lead to unnatural-looking results. In this instance, having a facelift performed is a better way to restore structure, definition, and the look of youth to the visage.

You Have Sagging Skin at the Jawline

Jowling or the development of loose, sagging skin at the jawline is one common age-related issue that cannot be resolved with injectable cosmetics or other non-invasive revitalization procedures. Jowling occurs as the result of extreme volume loss, increased skin laxity, and decreased collagen.

During a facelift, loose, sagging skin is pulled taut and excess skin is carefully trimmed away. This tightens the jawline and creates a noticeably sleeker and more appealing profile overall.

You No Longer Look Like Yourself

The effects of the natural ageing process may have left you looking and feeling quite different from your normal self. It can be jarring to look in the mirror and not recognize the person staring back.

Facelifts don’t have to dramatically alter a person’s appearance. When performed correctly, a facelift won’t leave you looking like a new person. Instead, they’ll make you look like a younger version of yourself. These treatments are incredibly effective for turning back the hands of time.

You Believe That a Facelift Will Increase Your Marketability

Ageism is an all-too-real issue for professionals in their forties and beyond. Studies show that visible ageing can affect a person’s marketability in many industries. Not only will a facelift make you look and feel better, but it may even limit your likelihood of getting passed over for important opportunities and roles.

You’re in Good General Health and Ready for the Recovery Process

One of the most important things to consider when deciding whether or not you’re ready for a facelift is the current state of your general health. Ideal candidates for these procedures do not have chronic health issues that aren’t being managed. If you have hypertension, diabetes, or other known health problems, you should already have an effective treatment plan in place.

If you’re a smoker, you should start a smoking cessation program before scheduling a facelift or any other elective procedure. Smoking negatively impacts blood flow, oxygen delivery, and the natural healing process.

Smokers have a higher risk of both in-treatment and post-treatment complications than non-smokers. It’s also important to note that continuing to smoke after undergoing any anti-ageing treatment can offset the benefits that your procedure provides.

Wrapping Up

Getting a facelift is a great way to regain your confidence when age-related facial changes have radically altered your looks. Unlike injectable cosmetics, the results of facelifts can last up to one decade or longer. One of the best ways to know whether or not you’re ready for a facelift is by scheduling a consultation appointment.


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