The Top 5 Music Genres That Put You in a Good Mood


First, let’s consider the question: What does music do to us? It can certainly change our mood and make us feel happier. But how does it work? It turns out that music is one of the most complex forms of communication we have, with incredible power to affect feelings and emotions.

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The Top 5 Music Genres That Put You in a Good Mood

We’ve compiled a list of some genres that are known for putting people in a good mood and some others that might surprise you.


Blues music is another style that originated in the United States, though there are many conflicting opinions on where it started.

Some say it was a combination of African-American folk music and European classical music, while others claim it grew directly out of African musical traditions. Blues has always been associated with suffering and hardship, which may be why this genre is so good at putting people in a good mood.

There are many different types of blues music, from fast-paced, raucous songs to slower, more relaxed melodies. Either way, a little blues can go a long way toward putting you in a good mood.

Blues music is typically slow, sad, and acoustic. It’s played on an acoustic guitar by one person, who usually plays a solo melody that they repeat throughout the song. Blues has a melancholy tone to it, but not all blues music sounds like this. There are many different types of blues music, from fast-paced, raucous songs to slower, more relaxed melodies. Either way, a little blues can go a long way toward putting you in a good mood.


Folk music is a catchall term for music that originated with the common people; oftentimes simple and acoustic, but folk music also includes country and roots music as well as other genres that are traditionally considered “folk.” Folk has been updated over the years to include more instruments (like electric guitars) and more complex arrangements. But even in its most modern form, folk still retains its roots as an accessible genre.

The lyrics of folk songs tend to be very straightforward: they express emotions like joy or sorrow without being too abstract, which makes them easy for listeners to connect with on a personal level. Folk songs often deal with topics like love or nature, and sometimes both at once.

What can you expect from a folk song? It will probably be slow in tempo and feature traditional instruments like acoustic guitars or fiddles, but there are some exceptions: One common theme in folk songs is nostalgia, for example, if you want to get in touch with your inner grandma (or grandpa), listen to “My Grandfather’s Clock” by Johnny Cash.


Punk rock gained popularity in the 1970s, primarily in the United States and England. Today’s punk rock still reflects its origins but it has become much more varied. It can be loud, fast, angry, and raw; or it can be melodic, introspective, and sweet. Punk is a diverse genre with many subgenres: post-punk, hardcore punk (including the straight edge), pop punk (as seen on MTV), and riot grill music (which emerged during the 1990s).

  • Punk rock is a genre of rock music that emerged in the mid-1970s.
  • Punk music is characterized by the use of fast, hard-edged guitar riffs and loud, distorted electric guitars.
  • Lyrics are often political or anti-establishment.
  • The genre was associated with the 1970s and 1980s punk subculture.


Rockabilly is a genre of music that consists of rock and roll with influences from country music. It’s a subgenre of rock and roll, which itself is a fusion of blues, gospel, and country music.

Rockabilly was first popularized by Elvis Presley in the 1950s but was popularized again in the 1990s by bands such as The Stray Cats.


Reggae music is a style of music that originated in Jamaica. The word “reggae” can be broken down into two parts: the English word “reggae,” which means “rhythm,” and the Jamaican patois word, “reggae,” meaning “to make rhythm.” Reggae is a fusion of many different styles of music, including sika, rocksteady (another popular Jamaican musical style from the 1960s), and Mentos (which was an earlier type of Jamaican folk music).
Traditionally speaking, reggae bands are made up of one or more guitarists as well as drums (either a drum set or other percussion instruments) and bass guitar. In addition to these core elements, other instruments may also be added to give songs additional layers like saxophones or keyboard sounds, often using synthesizers rather than traditional keyboards like pianos.

Whether you’re looking for something mellow or upbeat, there’s a genre for that mood. If you’re having trouble finding music that puts you in the right frame of mind, try listening to different genres until one sticks out as being particularly effective at making people feel good.


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