Trackpads vs Mice – What Do You Need?


When we are in front of the computer there is one implement that we can currently work comfortably without, and that is the cursor on the screen. Whether using a touchpad or an external mouse, more than 80% of the processes involve its use.

important keyboard shortcuts

From double-clicking to open a program to dragging files to the trash can, this device greatly facilitates all processes within various operating systems. Its use is so frequent that many users tend to never learn the important keyboard shortcuts to access different programs without using them.

However, the cursor movement is designated by two possible peripherals: the trackpads or the mouse. Each one has certain attributes that make them stand out from the others, but certainly, this situation creates doubt about which one is better.

In this article, we will know the advantages and disadvantages of each of them so that we can comfortably choose the one that best suits our needs.

Mouse: To Prioritise Speed And Productivity

When using a laptop either to complete work on it or to play the bonanza online slot at an online casino for a while, the first device we feel the need to buy is a mouse. After all, if we want to have more speed and productivity, the mouse has no comparison against the trackpad.

External mice have a productivity 50% higher than what we can achieve with a trackpad, additionally, the processes are 30% faster. From an ergonomic point of view, the mouse is also ahead.

In addition, the freedom of movement of the mouse releases much more tension, which is extremely important for people who spend long periods at the PC. The trackpad increases the strain on the neck and forearm muscles, which leads to fatigue.

Add to all that its effectiveness in enjoying activities such as playing video games, selecting specific files, or browsing Internet windows, and it is clear that this device has the advantage.

However, a mouse cannot be used everywhere. You need to have an additional surface area, plus you need space for it to move around quietly. This pair of disadvantages can be crucial if we sometimes need to work in tight spaces or complete tasks in a place where we cannot move the mouse.

Finally, many modern mouse devices require additional installations to function properly. Failure to install these programs may result in device downtime or device malfunction.

Trackpads - To Enjoy Comfort And Portability

Trackpads: To Enjoy Comfort And Portability

Currently, all modern laptops on the market come with a small box which is known as a trackpad. This box can detect the movements we make on it to make the cursor on the screen mimic that movement. It also comes with two buttons attached to it to simulate the left and right clicks.

The trackpad is not the best device when it comes to effectiveness, but it is certainly the most comfortable. It requires little movement of our hand to operate, so we can use it even lying down and moving our fingers slightly.

Additionally, since it is a device that comes attached to laptops, we can enjoy both its portability and the fact that it is not necessary to install plugins to work with it. By simply opening our laptop, we can start using it right away.

Finally, since it is a small, attached device, it can be used without the need for additional space to the one where we work with the laptop. If we are in a hurry and need to quickly check a document on our computer, the touchpad is our ally.

Which One Is Best For My Use?

As we note, both have their clear advantages and disadvantages, so we should choose the one that suits us best. If we need speed and productivity, the mouse clearly has the advantage, while if we are looking for practicality, the trackpad will be our friend.


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