What Can Blood Tests Say About Your Health In The Future?


It’s always nice to know what to expect regarding your future health and wellbeing. While uncertainties, even for health, are constant, some factors like your lifestyle decisions can greatly impact your general health. You can also get an insight into your health when you identify certain risk factors.

Some health conditions and illnesses are more likely to affect certain people due to genetic factors. Identifying your risks and understanding them is the first step to knowing if you may develop conditions that negatively affect your life. This means you can take steps to ensure these conditions do not develop into life-threatening conditions or even completely avoid them.

What Can Blood Tests Say About Your Health In The Future

What genetic traits can a blood test identify?

Scheduling a private GP appointment in London for blood testing can identify many risk factors and conditions. It can also show your potential health status in the future. This includes how your body handles metabolism and weight, nutritional needs for conditions like high blood pressure, and your ability to handle stress.

You can get a DNA genetic traits report, which identifies the following information about your health.

  • Appetite dysregulation
  • Imbalanced blood sugar
  • Ability to handle stress
  • Increased inflammation
  • Accelerated cellular aging
  • Digestive upsets
  • Gluten and lactose intolerance
  • Increased need for certain minerals and vitamins
  • Histamine intolerance
  • Increased ligament and tendon injury
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Poor alcohol detoxification
  • Risk of high blood pressure
  • Higher need for antioxidants
  • Ideal exercise type
  • Weight gain from certain habits and eating specific foods
  • Slow caffeine metabolism

With the information from your genetic predisposition, you can make diet and lifestyle changes for a healthier life, even as you get older. For example, you can start taking specific supplements or avoid some foods in your diet.

Different comprehensive diagnostic blood tests and health checks, including immunity checks, diabetes, fatigue, and thyroid testing, are available. Depending on your health and family history and risk factors, you can select the necessary test or have your doctor determine the tests you need.

Getting your result

The time needed to get your result will depend on the type of test. When your results are ready, the clinic will send them to you via mail or your doctor’s office, depending on your preference. You can also choose the option of unreported or reported results. In reported results, the GP will include information and comments about your health from the result, which may be helpful when discussing with your consultant.

You can visit London GP Clinic for your blood testing. This includes a full blood count blood test to get information about your general wellbeing.


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